Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

to THE GREEN BAY PRESS-GAZETTE Tuesday Evening, March 28. 1933. TEAM WELCOMED TO CLINTONVILLE Whistles, Bells, High School Band Sound Off for Winners. (Special CLINTONVILLE, to Prosy Caretle state championship debate team was welcomed home on Saturday afternoon by whistles blowing, and the ringing of church and school bells. They were met at the city limits by the high school band and a large number of cars which formed honorable escort through the streets of the city and then to the high school building where Principal F.

D. Wartinbee gave voice to the welcme which was extended by the entire community. They were escorted to the Hotel Marson where a dinner in their honor had been prepared, with covers laid for the Misses Marie Huffmana and Virginia Kelly, Justin Schmiedeke, Howard Kratz, John Abrahamson. Vernon Van Boxtel, Gerald Hurley, Ervin Knitt, their coach, John W. Davison and Miss, Leola Knutson.

During their Madison, from Thursday until Saturday afternoon the young ladies were entertained at a sorority house, the guests there of Miss Harriet Quall of this city. The boys were entertained at various fraternity houses. Friday evening they were guests of Waupaca county Assemblyman Earl Moldenhauer of this city, at a dinner in their honor at the Belmont hotel. That morning the Clintonville debators and their coach as well as all who had participated in the others, forensic event, were guests at a debate breakfast. In the evening they attended the state basketball tournament.

Those who attended the debate from here in addition to those directly connected were Mrs. Myrene Schmiedeke, Mrs. J. J. Kelly, Harold Haven, Edward DuFrane, Gordon Thurk, Charles Cather, Franklin Haven and the Misses Dorothy Pinkowsky and Dorothea Carter.

LEGION AUXILIARY TO HOLD BIRTHDAY PARTY (Special to Press-Gazette) OCONTO FALLS, March birthday party sponsored by the committee on community service of the American Legion auxiliary will be held at the Legion hall on Thursday evening, March. Everyone community is inBlithe vited to attend this party which will celebrate the birthdays of all who were born in March. On the committee are Mrs. W. A.

Flatley, Mrs. Klyde Leigh and Mrs. Charles Raymond. A program of interesting variety is being planned. Because of E.

J. Shellman, mayor, having a birthday in March he has been asked to appear on the program. He will set forth facts concerning the conditions of the present and future of Oconto Falls. EXHAUSTION CAUSE OF McCLINTIC DEATH, RULE HOUGHTON, Mich. (AP) The death of Robert S.

McClintic, 27. Flint, engineer, who collapsed in the Huron mountain region near Skanee while on a snowshoe trek with two companions, was due to exhaustion and exposure, a coroner's Jury decided late yesterday. Charles Hynds, 26, friend of the engineer, and Alvin Lydman of Skane2, guide for the two men, told the jury how McClyintic died last Monday while on a vacation trip. Caught in a rising blizzard, Hynds and Lydman remained in a trapper's cabin until last Thursday before they could get back to Skanee and arrange to bring McClintic's body out of the woods. UNDERGOES OPERATION (Special to Press-Gazette) ADVANCE.

Wis. Mrs Hilbert Specht submitted to tonsil operation at a Green Bay hospital Satur- day. NOW PILES MEET THEIR WATERLOO! No more pain! No more itching or scratching! No more torture when you sit or walk! No more torment at the stool! The relief of Piles has now been solved. No matter what the form of Piles you suffer from--painful, itching, bleeding, blind or protruding genuine relief for you lies in Pazo Ointment. Pazo not only stops the pain and itching and makes detecation easy, it tends to correct the condition of Piles as a whole.

This is because Pazo is threefold in effect. It is (1) soothing, (2) healing, (3) absorbing. Thus, it not only allays the inflammation and repairs torn tissue, but actually reduces the swollen blood vessels, which are Piles. The method of application makes Pazo doubly effective (see picture below). Thousands say that Pazo is the first real relief they ever got from Piles.

Thousands say it saved them the need of a painful operation. Try Pazo yourself and realize from one trial that your days of pile suffering are over. All drug stores sell Pazo in Collapsible Tube with special Pile Pipe, complete for 75c. Perforated Pile Pipe Attached to Collapsible Tube Makes Application Correct and Easy The PAZO Collapsible Tube and Perforated Pile Pipe makes it very easy to apply the Ointment high up in the rectum where it can reach and thoroughly cover all the af. fected parts.

Complete interior treatment in all cases of Piles la plainly important. SPOKESMAN FOR JAPANESE PEOPLE Explanation of Japan's withdrawal was expected from Yosuke Matsuoka, at Geneva, in the course of his visit Tokyo with his colleagues. Matsuoka New York. He is mentioned as the to the United States. WILL APPEAL DECISION AGAINST HOFFMAN FIRM MADISON, Wis.

(AP) Circuit Judge A. C. Hoppmann's recent decision that the J. S. Hoffman company must pay the National Cheese Producers' federation $24,092.08 for cheese will be appealed to the supreme court.

The concern filed of the appeal today. company contended it had been overcharged for the cheese and that its business was injured by failure of the cooperative to deliver all the cheese ordered. Judge Hoppmann refused to sustain these contentions. from the League of Nations Assembly who led Japan's bolting delegation to the States, en route to is shown arrived in United. probable next Japanese Ambassador COLEMAN NEWS NOTES (Special to Fress-Gazette) COLEMAN, Mr.

and Mrs. August Seefeld and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Seefeld. all of Milwaukee, who were returning from a trip through Iowa and Minnesota, stopped off here to spend the week-end at the Richard Seefeld home.

Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Seefeld are to leave shortly for Callfornia, where the former will be employed on a gigantic tunnel construetion crew. The work will take six years to complete the project. The Rev.

J. Therrien, pastor of St. John's Catholic church has been confined to his bed with a severe case of pleurisy for the past week. A New Season Arrives SPRING is knocking at your door. What a warm welcome it should get this year.

She has so many lovely things to offerand ever so pleasant to take, for we've made the prices ever so low. There are so many new fashions to describe we hardly know where to begin. We urge you to come see and make your selections early, while stocks are fresh and complete. Coats and Suits $9:95 to $28 If you'd been planning to make last year's coat or suit do duty again, forget it. For the new styles are entirely different.

The details of every garment have been designed for flattery. Necklines. Sleeves and color effects are all smarter than ever. Come and see! Adorable Frocks $2.98 to $12:95 Fashions for this season have been designed to make you look more charming more sophisticated more of a woman of good taste, than any dresses ever made! We urge you to see these styles and choose while they're SO BRAND NEW! The Newer First Showing of Our Millinery Modes Spring Footwear $1.85 and $2.95 $2.95 to $4.95 We've unpacked many new arrivals Fashionable Greys, Beige, Navy Straws as and of course black. Long and for our spring opening.

soft as a piece loveliest fabrics. short round toed vamps. Smooth Tippy, tilty brims and in all new calf or pig grain leathers. Sizes 4 colors. to 8.

AA to widths. Jacquard Lace Top Cleverly Styled Sta-Dull Hosiery New Kid Gloves Perfect Quality, Full Soft pliable Imported Fashioned. Sheer and 69c Washable Capeskins, 1.98 Clear--All New Shades. tuckings on the backs in Black, White, Navy Grey Beige. Special Smart Handbags Organdie Blouses $1 and $1.98 $1 and $1.95 New Silk Scarfs Spring Neckwear 59c and $1 59c to $1.50 Commers WOMEN'S 325 327 AND MISSES' WASH.

APPAREL FORENSIC CONTEST AT PULASKI HIGH Janet Zajac Wins Declamatory; Helen Wunsch Oratory. (Special to Press-Gazette) PULASKI, Wis- The Pulaski high school forensic contest was held in the school auditorium last evening. First place in the declamatory contest was won by Janet Zajac, who gave "Zadomirsky's Duel," and Florence Wudlik won second with "A Forgotten Witness." Maryan Lutsey, Anna Blascayk, Florence Metaler and Caroline Hansen also took part in the contest. In the oratorical contest Helen Wunsch took first place with the selection "A Sense of while second went to Harvey Johnson's "Society and the Pay Others taking part were Peter Babiara and Ophelia Kuklinski. La Vern Hanstedt.

giving "Democratic Leadership" and Ben Pingel, with City won first and second respectively in the speakers' contest Doris Witthuhn's "All or Nothing' won for her first honors in the readers' contest. Verona Nichols, with "Long, Long Ago" took second place. Irene Klimaszewski and Marion Mueller entered the contest too. The judge was Mrs. Lowell Maneval of Green Bay.

Students taking first place will gO to Seymour Thursday evening for conference competition, and those taking second place will meet for state competition at a time and place to be announced later. MRS. OTTO BUENNING. 74. DIES OF CANCER (Special Press-Gazette) CLINTONVILLE, Otto Buenning passed away her home on in this city at about 6:30 Tenth on Monday morning.

following an illness of several weeks duration due to cancer. Mrs. Buenning was born in Germany, June 28. 1859, and came to Clintonville with her husband about fifty years ago. Mr.

Bruenning passed away here about four years ago. Survivors are four children. one daughter, Mrs. William Below of Clintonville, and three sons, Otto, of Clintonville, and Gustaf and William Buenning, both of Milwaukee, one sister, Miss Amelia Braatz of Belle Plaine, and twelve grandchildren. Funeral services will be held on Thursday afternoon, 1:30 o'clock at the Buenning residence and at St.

Martin's Lutheran church. The Rev. W. O. Speckhard will officiate.

Burial will be in the family plot in Graceland cemetery, BREWERY EQUIPMENT DELAYED BY CRASH; COMPANY FILES SUIT WAUKEGAN, Ill. -Because shipment of brewery equipment was temporarily delayed, the Webber Cartage Line, filed suit here yesterday seeking $5,000 damages from Miss Florence Otis, her father, Ralph C. Otis, well known Chicagoan, and Edward E. Kleinschmidt of Highland Park. Automobiles occupied by the three were involved in a triple crash with one of the Webber trucks last Friday.

The truck was rushing equipment to the Pabst Brewing company of Milwaukee. "In view of the limited time before the sale of beer becomes legal," an attorney for the Webber company said, "the delay of one day in the equipment reaching Milwaukee was a serious matter." Badger Briefs MADISON. Wis. entries were received today for the annual state stamp show of the Wis. consin Association of Philatelic 80- cieties, Pre-cancel, Uruguayan, and special United States exhibits will be among the features of the show sponsored by the University of Wisconsin Stamp club.

MONROE, Wis, (AP) Robert Eugene, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mitchell, farmers near Darlington, died yesterday from the effects of hot lard which he drank from a cup which his mother had set aside. MERRILL, of incorporation for the Leidiger Brewing company here are expected to be filed soon The company, which will be capitalized at $100.000, is being organized by Louis Leidiger who state Assemblyman. beer bill, Harry Hawley and O.

Hesterman, all of Merrill. MAY HOLD UP EARLY DELIVERY OF BEER; GANGSTERS FEARED Chicago Breweries Consider Putting Armed Guards On All Trucks. CHICAGO of the biggest Chicago breweries may not beer in the early hours of deliver, because gangsters threaten to hijack trucks and rob drivers. Officials of the Atlas brewery, one of the largest in the middle west, renewed conferences today seeking solution of the problem. "I don't know whether our 150 trucks will gO out before dawn or not." said Charles Ellman, superintendent.

"We are thinking about putting armed guards on the trucks to reinforce the drivers and helpers. "It will be a big night and the police will have their hands full. Since most of the first night's delivery will be cash business, and a truckload of beer will amount to about $1.000, you can see the risk we would be Ellman and other brewery officials pointed out that gangsters and hoodlums are looking for every chance to "muscle on the new beer trade. They are prepared to take advantaze of the excitement incident to beer's return to turn the celebration into a means of illicit revenue for themselves. ENTERTAINS CLUB OCONTO FALLS.

Mrs. Charles Coopman entertained the Birthday club at her home Saturday afternoon in honor of her birthday anniversary. Five hundred was played and honors won by Mrs. John Hofbauer and Mrs. Charles Wetstein.

The contest was won by Mrs. O'Neill and Mrs. Charles Sampson. After the playing a social hour followed and a 5 o'clock dinner was enjoyed in honor of her natal anniversary. The ladies presented Mrs.

Coopman with a gift. STEWART Your Headquarters for Your Spring Coat or Suit 10:95 CAPE COATS REEFER COATS SPORT COATS FURRED COATS GIBSON GIRL SUITS FURRED SUITS SWAGGER SUITS Beautifully tailored of wool crepes, matelasses and lacy tweeds. In spring's newest shades. Sizes for misses and women. -Stewart's March on 1933.

NEA PENNEYS OPENING AND COATS FROCKS altogether that are Look the way you want to Fuller sleeves! Broader look for 19331 Put on these shoulders! Higher waist. new fashions and SEE lines! Polo types, tweeds what happens! and dressy woolens! New High Magic-making This season, above all seasons, you Necklines! Glamorous, Dramatic must have a new spring coat! The Sleeves! Smart Contrasts, Prints, Romantic mode has brought such Gay Colors! Novelty Weaves changes that last year's coat is Plain Crepes, Sheers! hopelessly dated! to 5:85 J.C. PENNEY CO. 208 N. Washington St..

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.