Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

Saturday Evening, February '1 7, 1 923. SOCIETY NEWS OF FRATERNAL AND CLUBS PARENT-TEACHERS MT THT NEWS FOR THIS PAGE I MUST BE RECEIVED VJ 1 BEFORE 10 A. M. GREEN BAY GREEN BAY PRESS-GAZETTE Another Term of Light by Oounod" and tha solo "I Do Behove" by Hull sung by Wlllard Gatherer. In tha evening the' topic American Dance Music Suggested As Unrest Panacea Dances Announced will be Washington and the anthem by the choir, "Abide With, Me By "CHERRY CREAM" 1 Lincoln." 1922 Drill Team Entertained by Maccabee Heads Thursday evening tha officers of Woman's Benefit association of the Maocabces entertained the drill team 1932 at a seven o'clock dinner In ui t'uui'du uu all know the story of Washington mid tho cherrv tree.

'Tillars of the church" will -be the morning toplo at the Baptist church School Children to Give Progam For Club Women The meeting of tho Catholic Woman's, club on Tuesday will bo in charge of the Kdurutlonul depart-men), Mrs. John llogun, ehalrmun. It will be an 'afternoon with our young people" and will consist of it program by children of the schools and severul of pro-Bchonl ago, embracing soiigH, drills, rcrltutlnn and dances. Tho program will bo tui-nounced Monday. while lu the evening tho Rev.

A. T. The first term of dancing classes conducted by Miss Mildred Ilagerty under the direction of the "Welfare department of tho Catholic Woman's club, terminated yesterday. The class consisted of three divisions, a baby class, a boys and girls class In folk dancing and a class of elder girls. So siiccehsfiil have the classes been Krlokaon will speak on "(jotting Away With It." Pochequetta lodge, No.

36, Knights the Odd Fellows' hall. Decorations ere In hearts and colors of tho order. The party was thoroughly en of Pythias will attend the evening joyed, for In eplte of the cold weath er, twenty-five were present. After service of the West Moravian church lu a body. The Pythian main chorus will render two selections and the that the committee decided to continue it for another term of ten weeks.

Enrollments are being re fie dinner a regular meeting; was imstor will preach on "Tho Spring of fceld. In addition to the business, aeveral applications for membership Self Sacrifice." ceived by Mrs. Levi Patcnaude who Is chairman of the committee and who will glvo information as to time and rates. Tho enrollment has become Church Services were received. I nner the good or the order, Mrs.

Clara Burdette, dele gate to tho state convention at Mil largo and it Is the Intention of the lukee, pave a report of the gather Well this story reminds ua of our churry ice cream and we can truthfully say It Is good, very good. At The Rev. John Chrlstophorson of committee to reorganize the classes ing which was held Keb. S. The convention included delegates from the Christian church Im preaching Into longer time periods.

This will series of evangel istio sermons on the all over the United States and reports Hannon Drug Store Shultz Drug Store depend, however, upon additional pupils. I funriimentals each Sunday night tin showed that the organization was The Rev. I. Richard Mewaldt, pastor of tho East Kido Moravian church expects to inaugurate wlthtwuuerles of lifiiteii HennotiH tomorrow, Tho general theme of the morning series will bo "In the Cross of Christ I Glory." Tomorrow's sermon will deal with "The Motive Behlns; the Crogs," Tha theme of the. evening series will bo "Portraitures of the Christ From the Days of His Tas-sion." At 7:45 tomorrow evening he will portray "The Man of Steadfast til Easter.

Themes tomorrow will be first in membership of all fraternal 'Guilty Silences" and "Religious Con Y. W. C. A. cafeteria Spe organizations and fifth 1n financial vlctlons." cial Lenten dishes.

condition. Including the old line companies. Mrs, Burdette had the honor of being chairman of the courtesies committee and presenting tho eu- The Woman's Borlety of Christ Episcopal church will meet Tuesday with Mrs. K. ft.

John, Mouth Jack prene commander. Miss wna Fare." son street, work will be none lor Trunin. fi fin West, to tho meeting. The next meeting of the local lodge will he March 1, the Easter sale nnd at 4:25 p. m.

the Rev. Mager MeMurray will conduct evening prayer. 1TMM CURED HIS RHEUMATISM! The K. F. IT.

girls club of tho KIrst M. E. church will meet Monday even Social Briefe Ing with Miss Martha Fehse, RL'2 South Jefferson All are asked to be present as plans will bo made, am elcrht 7-thr Vlirl e.M anA 1 i za Mr. and Mrs. Kd Jordon entertained a- number of their friends at a party for a club birthday party.

Miss Christine Llbal requests all girls to bring doctored for rheumatism ever sines I came out nf the army, over fil i -t kit their borne on Bond street. Pane sewing for tho sale. years sgo. Like manv others. I spent money freelv for so-called 'cures' unit I have read about 'Uric.

if va -v Jog" formed the evening's entertain rnent. The guests were Messrs and Acid' until could almnut lnsl it. The Vnlon Congregational church I could not sleep night, or walk with Mmesr Harris Jacqmln, Wltbck, A. will open the Lenten seaaon at 11 out, pain; my hands were so ore and stiff I could not hold a re. But Desplns, Mmes.

Major, Walter Phot m. tomorrow with sermon by the enhauer and Jim Brazier, the Misses now I am again In active business lsstor, tho Rev. Torrance rhelpa, on and ran walk with esse or write all Leona, Marie and Mildred Kosner, Solitude and tJllenee." There will day with, comfort. Friends are sur- Lottte ud Emma Wlttlg, Libblo Jol- bo appropriate music by a chorus rtsed sr. tho change." You might choir.

py, and Mr. Bob Holland. mi as wen attemnt 10 nut out a. fire witn oil as try to get rid of your rheumatism, neuritis and like com At Christ Episcopal church at 11 A number of friends and neighbors Many people who come to our office have been the rounds of all other methods of healing. They try Chiropractic last and get well, but they could have been spared much suffering If they had tried Chi- ropractic.

FIRST. Chiropractic lias made an enviable record by getting "hopeless" rases well, but the same rases would respond much quicker before they reach tho iionic state, KY CHIROPRACTIC FIRST Consultation and analysis free Murphy Murphy Palmer Chiropractors 300-302 X. Washington St. Rooms 8-8-10 Over I'nlted Cigar Store Phono 839 Lady Attendant a. tno vested cnoir win sing tne gathered at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. plaints by taking treatment, supposed to drive Uric Acid out of your blood and body. It took Mr. Ashelman Bcnedictue by West and the Rev James Dclaney Sunday evening to .4 tiftv year to find out the truth. Ha Mager MeMurray will officiate and KVERY WOMAN PRAYS that somo tlmo she will own a complete outfit of tablo silver.

We suggest that now is a good time to commence or add to tho collection. Our exhibit of table silver Is replet wich flno examples of the silversmith's art, many of which are priced celebrate- the birthday of their daugh- The party was conveyed learned how to get rid of tho true cnuso of his rheumatism, other disorders, and recover his strength from tho Rev. Jacob David will speak on Near East Relief. Tho offertory will to the hom*o in a sleigh. The guests very attractively.

Well and treo platters. The Inner Mysteries." now being bo "Like as tho Hart" by NovclIav distributed free by an authority who were and Vincent Jiurkel, Bill Pamperln, Lawr? suns by the choir. voted over twenty years to the scientific xtudy of this trouble. If At St. Paul's M.

E. church thei pas any reader of The Fress-fiaxette wishes "The Inner Mysteries of Uheunintlsm" containing Tartu over- tor will hpeak on "Tho fcplrlt of Lent" ence Ullmer, Joseph Ktenhard, Alex ml and Italeigh Willlquotte. Roland Delaney, Milton Barlnment, Aloz Champeau, Cornelius Rabidit, Antho. ny Williams. Walter Cllllis, Laura at the morning nervlce.

Jack Phil ooked by doctors and scientists for Iwhilo they lust 710 WALNUTT.TEL35fe2 GREEN centuries past, simply send a post lips of Lawrence college Gleo club card or letter to H. P. Clearwater, Mary Irene and Mary No. S74-F. Street, llallowell, Maine.

r-end now, lest you forget! If not a will sing "If With All Your Hearts" from Elijah by Mendelssohn. An them will bo by the chorus choir. In tho evening Dr. Jacob David of Per Rpiuhard, Valeria, Loralne and Cecilia Champeau, Lillian Williams, Ce- iirrerfr, cut our. tnis notice and nana his good news and opportunity to kelia L'llmcr, Thelma Thorp.

Margie some afflicted friend. All who send sia will speak on Near East relief. will receive It by return mail with fVan iJtnnen, Susie Mertons. Theresa out nnv rhflre whatevAr Adv and Mary Barlament, Mesrs and Mm. The Rev.

(i. K. Mao Innls of the First M. E. church will tako for tho J.

Barlament, Charles Ullmer, Sylvester Relnhard, and Walter Delaney. subject of his morning sermon, "The Philosophy and Practieo of Prayer." mi ii Baj The nnthem will I "Snrt Out Thy i Save Health with GoodTeeth Comedian Finds New Use for Jazz xJOL90N Europe could rfd Itself of a tot of gloom if they would take a leaf from our jazz books. "The trouble is, over there they regard only the traffic as art. Now, I have been knocking around some Ihirty-oHc years and it seems tovne AMT The monthly business meeting of he Epworto. league of the Gorman till.

E. church was held last evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. t). AV.

of music Europe'f Jccesson Thar the right kind would wive most of dreary political trouble is Schike. Matters of routine business rwere discussed and plans made for the opti. tnistic theory of Al Jolson, jazz sleigh ride party to bo given next week, the date and place to 1 de Ymi can't bavn good health without cniiil teeth. li I a 1 njilnrn'H un- -oinproiiif aing law. Defy it if jou wish.

but observe that thousands people go to their graves with a nioull'fut of rotten teeth from ten to fifteen years fcoon-es than they would harl their teeth received proper att tuition I'OBSitdy you have not piveu vour teeth pro cided by a committee After the business session, a social meeting wag torijoyed and. refreshments nerved. A radio concert was enjoyed. there is considerable art, not to, speak of fun, in American "You take 'Toot, Toot the song I sing now it wouldn't be considered either dignified or artistic abroad, yet thousands slamp for an encore when I give It here. wouldn't it do Europe good to try as a tonic something they would feel like that about, even If It wasn't quite art? "And, anyway, you'll never get if through my Yankee head that art Isn't what oeonle eninv rather than King or America.

i Although "Bombo kept the comedian busy here, everybody he knew on the Rialto took a flying trip abroad tin's past summer. "And they all came baric cle. pressed," he asserted. "But singing Broadway soon made them them, selves again. And that's jtnt how 3 discovered that the real difference between America and Europe is their music.

I'll wager my best derby hat against anything you like that PERSONALS AFTER INVENTOR T. A. Murphy l. I). Mgr.

Miss Lucllo Ncufeld, instructor of per euro because you did not think rehyslcal training at Franklin College. Franklin, was pledged to tho l'i ul their Kreat Importance. Why not begin now snd obtain for yourself the splendid comfort, appearance and health assurance what a board of censors say they ought to enjoy." Beta Phi Borority. to he had from stood teeth. COLD WEATHER TAXES Come to our office and wo will carefully examine your teeth and CHARITY RESOURCES tell you of the cost.

You will have kindly feeling for ua when in the most careful The resources of tho Associated Parent-Teacher3 Club Activities and considerate way wo liavo changed your bad teeth to good Charities havo been heavily taxed by rthe continued cold Weather and a call ones. Neive) tins Oxygen, anil Other 1'Hinless Methods. NO'l'K Ol It riiK'KS Is sent out to the public, for fuel, food, bedding and warm footwear. Each day brings requests for these things After completing the inventory of our accessory department we find that we are several thousand dollars overstocked. While we have used our best judgment in buying we are willing to acknowledge our mistake so will take our loss.

You will readily appreciate the wonderful savings that we are offering and be active in taking advantage of this sale. Our loss is your gain so act now and get the cream of the stock. Tho Elmore rarent-Tcachers' association will give a Washington program, Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 8 p. m.

In tho school. A program will be rto save women and children from the Full ct of Host (iohl Teeth, S8, $10 and $13 Crown 2ilv f)( cold, and unless the public heeds the A wonderful line of Moto-meters at $2.50 and up. 10 per rent off on all Radiator Covers except Ford. Ford Covers ,20 per cent off. call of the association, the relief work Crowns, IV Porcelain given by tho children of the school will have to be discontinued until the tore room Is replenished.

Although tho and the publio in general and parents in particular am invited. Union Meeting of Churches is Held IYactlcally every Protestant church In the city was represented at the Union Pralso and prayer meeting held yesterday afternoon In tho First M. K. church. Mrs.

('. J. Hollows had clHirga of tho program, which included reports and announcements from representatives of th various churches. Mrs. 1).

C. Tihhctts re ported that tho I'nion Christian o-lego campaign hsut boon closed and had been siiivessfiil, reaching the mark which was required to receive, 1 Mo additional from tho Indira Apolmnn Rockefeller fund. Wisconsin's shuro was $400,000, Cireen Bay contributing JUOH.OO. The Rev. T.

1). William of the St. Paul's M. church gave an address arid tli Rev. (I Maelnuis of the First church led the prayer.

the organization haa not reached the limit of its resources, the prospects of continued cold are alarming. Fraternal News Stewart and electric horns at up from $3.50 Climb News .710 1 Bet of Green Bay Plates will hall ItridKt'wnrli Other dentists charge from IS. 00 to 115.00 for the samo high grado work and materials. Ilest Silver Killing $1.00 and $2.00 Teeth IXtractcd Without Tula Kciiiovahlo Underwork Our best advlco will bo given on all work known to dental silence. iiuowx rni'vrvvt oi ri UNION DENTISTS Ofllco Hours 9 A.

M. lo 8 1'. M. Sundays, 0 A. J.

to 1'5 Noon 2IIK N. Waahiiiglon Street Next to DeLair's Cafe Phono The Ladles of the O. R. meet Tuesday at 3 p. m.

In for their regular meeting. The Rehekah Threo Links circle will meet Wednesday afternoon In the dining room of the Odd Fellows' hall. Mis. Amelia Wlllert and Mrs. Her-tha Lannoyo will be hostesses.

The Ladles' Auxiliary to the R. of R. T. will meet Monday at 2:30 p. m-lu the Mooso hall.

The Auxiliary to tho Catholic Woman's club will meet Monday night in the auditorium of the Al loues Community house. All members aro urged to mako an effort to attend and there will be reading of reports of the card party and dunce and of various branches of activities. There will also be a program. The Monday Shakespeare club will meet with Mrs. T.

Johnston, C3-' Couth Roosevelt street. The Ideal lubricant for auto and railroad springs, magnetos, generators, etc. Plain and Colored Lenses In all sizes at per pair 80u and up Cotton Transmission Lining for Fords only, at Dlo Full Line of Oil cans at up from 4De Complete Auto Repair Kit, this is one of our best offerings at Real Toy Yellow Cab with driver $1.37 Every thinking child should have a yellow. Universal Locking Oversized Steering Wheels $.1.50 and up Weed Do Luxe Tire Chains. The most popular chain of the day, can be had In any size at a discount.

Steel Wing Shook Absorbers. Fofd sizes, Installed $1.1.00) Colburn Economy Vaporizers for Fords or any car with one to one and u. quarter inch carburator. Con-sldee this appliance when you look over your gasoline bill; it will save for you. Fan Beits, a belt to fit any make of car at reasonable price.

Battery Booster, will work for battery on car or radio. Get our prices first. Adonis Non-Freezing solution contains proof denatured alcohol and chemicu'ly pure, glycerins in eorr-nt proportions. Wo can highly re com mo id this solution. Tire Saver Jacks, No.

3 large elzo $7.00 $1.00 off on all robes. $16.00 By Flex Bumpers 6 per cent cash discount on any tire bought during this sale. Driving goggles at special bargain prices. As low as 49c Automobile Mochanle's and Milrlght Wrenches, in all sizes at big reductions. Tiro Boots and 31 Inch size at 35c 4 inch size at 41 and 5 inch size at SOo Mobiloll in sealed gallon cans in grades Artlo.

A. and Ti $1.23 Luggage Carriers up from Moraley Bllver-Nlckel connecting rod bearings; any size to nt any make of car et per pair 70c and np Tool Eteel Drop Forged Plyers, dur-this sale at 40c lli'l l'I'H TIIK "l- l.t "I'serl Fnloy'N llonev and Tnr for 'flu' and found It wonderful. It never tn cure my two lit tie girl from roughs and rolds." writes Mrs. A. Panders.

(Sal Int i n. Tcnn. iiulrk relief from coughs. colds, croup, throat, chest nnd trouble use Foley's Honey nnd Tar. Con-tains no oidates nrlnted on tho wrapper.

Sold everywhere. Adv. Latest Magazines and Bokel's Drug Store. CHARITY liOAKO MEETS. The monthly meeting of the hiisrd and chamois at great Sponges duction.

of directors of tho Associated Charities met last nlfcht. Reports weco read by chairmen of standing committees and officers. The drive for funds is progressing In an em-ourngliiK Spring oil In 93o Emeral Penetrating pint bottles at manner. None other than routine Other sizes business was discussed. RilONDAY SPECIAL IMPORTED WOOL HOSE Imported wool hose in novelty weaves, in grey, brown and black $3.50 Value, Monday CIIORI TO VISIT IIO.MF..

The young ladies chorus of the East Side Moravian church will as sist their pastor In a service at the Odd Fellows' home at 2:30 Sunday af ternoon. .69 New Silk Dresses arc here. We invite you to see them. Watch this space every day. It will mean real savings to you.

The City's Sick SNAVELY Motor Company Accessory Department Green Bay Wisconsin Miss Emma Verhagen, 1413 Chica go street. In confined to her home, with the grippe. Richmond Piston Jtfngs Full stock for any make of car In standard as well as oversized. mm A. C.

and Champion. Special prices on set lots. N. V. (T.KAIU.NO IIOISK.

NEW YORK The actual condition of clearing house banks and trust companies for thei week, (five days) 219 N. Washington St. Green Bay, Wis. shows an exrexs $jn reserve of $19.. 383,050.

This is on increase of 434,990, 11 im Hwipnssmmr'!.

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.