YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN First Reactions Hail Wall-Crawler's New Series As A Spectacular Must-See (2025)


Malatrova15 - 1/24/2025, 4:48 AM

Dont care make Osborn right

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KwisatzHaderach - 1/24/2025, 5:07 AM

@Malatrova15 - You mean make Norman ‘great again’

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Spike101 - 1/24/2025, 5:36 AM

@Malatrova15 - Completely agree. This race/sex swap nonsense just needs to stop.

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Malatrova15 - 1/24/2025, 5:42 AM

@KwisatzHaderach - he Is a murderer and get a 17 years old pregnant ...he was already Great, just fix his skin color...he looks like he's about to use a Fake 20 bill to Buy cigs

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AllsNotGood - 1/24/2025, 5:00 AM

These are the type of people who swoon over everything marvel their opinions don't mean shit

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ProfessorWhy - 1/24/2025, 5:21 AM

@AllsNotGood - trade marvel for Orange Corpse and we have you

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Malatrova15 - 1/24/2025, 5:44 AM

@ProfessorWhy - just got rid of six MS13 gang mambers here in my street thanks to.him... Kinda active to be a corpse, Guess that means the guy after him was already dead

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AllsGood - 1/24/2025, 6:41 AM

@AllsNotGood -
YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN First Reactions Hail Wall-Crawler's New Series As A Spectacular Must-See (9)

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DrDReturns - 1/24/2025, 8:39 AM

@AllsNotGood - Exactly. They are incapable of viewing Disney critically.

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breakUbatman - 1/24/2025, 5:11 AM

I hopw what they're saying is true

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JoshWilding - 1/24/2025, 5:14 AM

@breakUbatman - Honestly, I thought it was going to be bad - it's now one of my favourite Spider-Man adaptations ever.

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BraveNewClunge - 1/24/2025, 5:28 AM

@JoshWilding - ooooh 🤔 are you going to write a review?

I want to know where it ranks between 90's spiderman and spectacular spiderman. 👀

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breakUbatman - 1/24/2025, 5:31 AM

@JoshWilding - That's encouraging, I'm always down to give any CBM a fighting chance regardless of public opinion. I'm always happy to see a quality show or movie - quality over faithfulness

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JoshWilding - 1/24/2025, 5:40 AM

@BraveNewClunge - I am, and will also be posting episode recaps. The Animated Series will always be top tier for me because it's what I grew up on, and I'd say this is better than Spectacular (but feels very inspired by it).

It's the MCU meets Steve Ditko/John Romita Sr. The supporting cast is a little random (Nico, Pearl, Lonnie) but I loved them all by the end and characters like Daredevil, Scorpion, and Doc Ock...freaking awesome. They do some REALLY cool stuff with the origin story and visuals too.

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JoshWilding - 1/24/2025, 5:41 AM

@breakUbatman - I'd say this has both. Faithful to the comics but top-tier storytelling and animation. There's stuff here that's done better than the movies.

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BraveNewClunge - 1/24/2025, 6:22 AM

@JoshWilding - damn this sounds great!

I'll look for your reviews and recaps sir! (And I'll be watching too)

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TheVisionary25 - 1/24/2025, 6:35 AM

@JoshWilding - better than Spectacular?

YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN First Reactions Hail Wall-Crawler's New Series As A Spectacular Must-See (19)

The 90’s show is the one I grew up on but Spectacular was my favorite (not sure how you felt about it) so to see it even being compared to that in a positive light is affirming.

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JoshWilding - 1/24/2025, 6:47 AM

@TheVisionary25 - I never fully got into Spectacular, to be 100% honest, but I do plan on revisiting it (the animation style/character design never quite clicked). If nothing else, I'd say this is on par with that show.

The animation style here is really expressive and very comic book-inspired...and the web-slinging is legit up there with the Raimi movies. Spider-Man is my favourite character by far, so I'd be shocked if people don't like this show.

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TheVisionary25 - 1/24/2025, 7:07 AM

@JoshWilding - ahhh fair enough

Looking forward to it!!.

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epc1122 - 1/24/2025, 8:35 AM

@JoshWilding - it’s funny because from stills I wasn’t too thrilled with the look of the animation, but when I saw the trailer I was pretty engaged so I had hope that it’s an enjoyable series. Spider-man has had so many animation shows that i get that it’s tough to feel fresh and new but at the same time have familiar elements that people love. Spectacular I wasn’t a huge fan of the animation but the story I thought was great. I think I’m going against popular opinion but my favorite, just on animation was ultimate spider-man.

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bkmeijer1 - 1/24/2025, 5:27 AM

Ah yes, early reactions that are anything but not hyperbolic. What's new

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TheVisionary25 - 1/24/2025, 5:31 AM

@bkmeijer1 - I think the issue with early reactions is not that they are positive because contrary to popular belief , they aren’t always but that the same critics that do the reactions are not always the same people that post reviews of the projects aswell.

Plus , you throw in other sites that have not given their reactions then that’s where the discrepancy can be

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bkmeijer1 - 1/24/2025, 5:43 AM

@TheVisionary25 - true. In general it certainly feels like the former are much more positive than the latter.

Might be because the critics that post early reactions are different from the critics that post the reviews, but I honestly never really paid attention to that.

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MyCoolYoung - 1/24/2025, 10:33 AM

@TheVisionary25 - that’s a great observation that I wouldn’t have ever noticed. I wonder why the same critic don’t do the review, It seems like it would be more efficient that way

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Spike101 - 1/24/2025, 5:37 AM

Was What If season 3 good?

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ProfessorWhy - 1/24/2025, 5:44 AM

@Spike101 - good, but not as good as the first 2 seasons

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TheyDont - 1/24/2025, 5:54 AM

@ProfessorWhy - But... they weren't good at all

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Spike101 - 1/24/2025, 5:58 AM

@ProfessorWhy - I couldn’t get in with them, I watched most of season 1. I guess the animation just isn’t my thing, although my kids now grown up loved the original Spider-Man and X-Men series.

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THEKENDOMAN - 1/24/2025, 5:42 AM

I really need to understand the fascination with Peter Parker/Spiderman.

This character's story has been told over and over again, with movies, animation, cartoons, and video games and obviously, I'm just waiting for the TV show announcement.

I don't get excited about him or even remotely enthusiastic about anything to do about anything upcoming about him.

It's time Marvel put their focus on Miles Morales, if they want to keep pushing anything Spiderman, his popularity has skyrocketed and he deserves a live-action trilogy and worldwide support.

I'm honestly tired of anything to do with Peter Parker, now this neighbourhood version is him younger and dealing with young issues, haven't we seen this before about him?

The world has changed, let's see the story of a black /Latino kid with superpowers dealing with issues in the real world because there will be a big difference if it's told accurately.

I say all this, but I can watch any new version of Batman all day, maybe because it is darker and more mature.

Anyway, I'm tired of Peter Parker, he needs to be replaced and do cameos.

For [frick]s Sakes

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Malatrova15 - 1/24/2025, 5:47 AM

@THEKENDOMAN - ITS mostly the yaoi between him an Venom...and all Those gilf age diferente fanfics featuring Holland and Larson that beging whit : "i belive you have something for me Peter Parker" ..and ITS never the infinity gauntlet

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THEKENDOMAN - 1/24/2025, 6:02 AM

@Malatrova15 - Right. We've seen them do battle on all levels including live action.

I'm tired.

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Skestra - 1/24/2025, 7:34 AM

@Malatrova15 - "Higher! Further! Faster!"

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bobevanz - 1/24/2025, 8:59 AM

@THEKENDOMAN - you talk too much

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THEKENDOMAN - 1/24/2025, 9:32 AM

@bobevanz - Yep. You should try it.

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soberchimera - 1/24/2025, 11:30 AM

@THEKENDOMAN - Agreed, I'm shocked Thor has never gotten an animated series, outside the 1960s show where they just animated the comics. He probably has the best rogues gallery in Marvel after Spider-Man, X-Men, and FF.

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THEKENDOMAN - 1/24/2025, 11:36 AM

@soberchimera - Thor, that guy just needs a reboot, just like the Hulk they turned him into a joke. Pussified all these powerful heroes.

What a disaster

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TheVisionary25 - 1/24/2025, 5:56 AM

Sweet , glad to see the positive critic reactions thus far especially since it does seem they were given all 10 episodes to watch!!.

The shows mix of retro yet modern style & sensibilities seems to really have been achieved on screen , especially with its theme song that uses the 60’s theme by updating it for now (it truly is catchy imo).


Anyway this show has seemed like it could be fun imo so still looking forward to checking it out , even moreso now after the glowing response I have seen on here aswell as social media!!.

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JoshWilding - 1/24/2025, 6:48 AM

@TheVisionary25 - Oh man, I've fallen in love with that theme song and had no idea it was online already. Thank you! Gonna be listening to this all day, haha.

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TheVisionary25 - 1/24/2025, 7:07 AM

@JoshWilding - no problem!!

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YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN First Reactions Hail Wall-Crawler's New Series As A Spectacular Must-See (2025)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.