NationStates • View topic - Solaris War || Dance of the Wyverns [Closed (2024)

Madden’s tank the Ajax purred gracefully into place on the first phase line before its engine shuddered and shut off. They weren’t the first there as the troop sergeant’s tank Athenry had gotten their first and was sat to the right at a few hundred metres. The other two she could hear behind her rushing to get into position. The enemy knew they were there, there was no doubt in her mind about that. A Squadron had had the misfortune of being the closest to the skirmish the previous day and was assigned to provide support for the Milisia’s attack. This was followed by a road move, a late night briefing and an early start as the attack would be going in at daylight. Mercifully it was still early in the year so the sun was due to rise at 0715 so not as early as it could be.

Rumour had it that they were going to be fighting the Nifonese but all the intelligence briefing had stated was a dug-in light infantry company. There would be some respite as they still had another 20 minutes before the start. True enemy strength was unknown but estimated at more than sixty and less than two-hundred. The enemy had anti-tank weapons but it was not believed that they had the longer ranged anti-tank guided missiles, they definitely had mortars however. So far intelligence hadn’t indicated the support of any main force and no armour had been spotted by any of the other picketing forces, drone reconnaissance, signals and wider ISTAR assets. This was looking to be a pretty one sided fight.

The Plan was simple. Brigade Artillery would smash any points of interest that recon had picked up before shifting fire to some points of interest the drones had spotted on the far side of the hill. Ajax would spearhead the 1st Company with 11B and 11C providing firesupport and overwatch from the flanks with 11D held in the rear, ready to fight fires. Once the enemy had been cleared off hillside the 2nd company would move into the rear with the support of 1 Troop and following that they would consolidate and leave. Various assets had been provided to support this. The Motor Rifle Regiments Support Company was deployed in overwatch positions providing both AA and AT cover, although this seemed unnecessary. Medical and Armoured Recovery units had been assigned as well along with a group of MP’s for the processing of any prisoners if any were to be taken. Finally the 3rd Company was in reserve ready to be deployed if anything went awry.

Madden watched the other two callsigns move into her left. Ten minutes to go. Strict radio silence was being adhered to and the only voices coming over the net were from the commander of the Motor Rifle Regiment back at HQ and the Artillery Forward Observer. Listening to the command net in one ear she went over her map and notes again. The first point of interest was an abandoned farming hamlet that consisted of a dozen buildings or so. After that the two hills were to be cleared. She imagined whatever cohesion existed would be gone by that point and that she’d have some more freedom to act when it came to clearing the hill behind. Although a reverse slope could be quite unpleasant.

“Two minutes till go time people, artillery starts in one minute, good luck out.” The voice of the commander came over the radio crisp and clear.

Madden switched to IC comms.

“Driver, start up.” She ordered.

Without a word the driver, Trooper Hier, thumbed the ignition. The electric whine of the starter motor rang out before the engine barked and roared into life.

“Make ready!” Madden shouted again.

“On it.” replied the gunner flicking the fire control switches into life. A dozen or so lit up green and the gun jumped upwards before coming half way down and locking into place, slaved to the gunner’s sight.

“MRS Check Gunner.”

The gunner LCpl Dacus looked through the auxiliary sight and activated the laser mounted within it. It shone at the mirror mounted in a shroud to the end of the gun. It was perfectly aligned with the sight, as was to be expected as they were yet to fire the gun.

“MRS Check.” Dacus told her commander.

With that Madden selected HE on the ammo selector. The gun lifted again aligning with the arm of the autoloader which slung a large 140mm HE round into the breach before another mechanism slammed it shut. A robotic male voice informed the crew that HE had been loaded.
By now the first shells had begun to land. Coming in with a rush of wind and exploding in a series of dull thuds. Madden checked behind her, out the cupola. By now the 1st Company was forming up, swarming out of its hiding places. She sat forward again and took to her sight.
“Driver advance, following the road. Gunner you have left of arc I have right of arc.”

The tank lurched forwards before the driver put her foot down. The engine screamed and the whole tank vibrated. The gunner swivelled the turret left and began scanning. Through the sight Madden could see smoke rising and swirling in the light of the rising sun. She switched to thermals.


Asai Sho sat in the traditional wooden house of the village his men were ordered to picked in. Wooden walls of the house were distinctively different from the paper - walls of the rural Nifon he was accustomed too.

The house properly belonged to a local young couple, who, as only one in their village, choose to remain. They regretted it the moment when Arashi-M entered the village. The mercenaries were not the disciplined, drilled formations of the Imperial Nifonese Army but a bunch of convicts given guns and a chance for a redemption. Thus, upon their entry to the village, they proceeded to loot the houses of whatever valuables they could find.

The man of course did not want his house looted, so he grabbed an axe and waved it at the soldiers. He was promptly shot as the woman screamed unto the very heavens. Then they dragged the woman into a house and well… I think everyone knows what soldiers do with women in wartime. Their CO, a wenchuani senior private, did not bat an eye but instructed them to have the couple burned after the deed is done. So after the entire squad finished their atrocity, they shot the woman too and set both bodies on fire.

Asai could not believe the indifference with which his squadmates actually committed these acts. His own crimes were hacking and cybertheft; he never killed a man before. The moment when that woman was shot, his entire stomach turned. But the rest of his squadmates were unaffected. He knew one of them was a rapist, so that he could understand. But the other three?

They sat now inside a house. A man was providing overwatch, as they ate some jam that they looted from a cellar of one of the houses.

“This stuff is great!” said the Wenchuani squad leader “I wish we had it home.”

“Eh.. too sweet.” Asai replied “In Nifon we eat more spicy food.”

“Say what you want about food, but the women here are great.” the CO countered “I really enjoyed that one.”

Curious about the origin of those men, Asai decided to aks.

“Did you do it often back in Wenchuan?” he asked.

“Did? We did it daily.” the squad leader countered “Zhengshilang made sure we got all the best ones. ”

He paused at the mention of Seijuro. He knew that the Duke of Anshan was ruthless, but to actually allow his own soldiers to engage in such… behaviours. That he was not aware of.

It was at that moment that he felt a need to relieve himself.

“I need to pee.” he said.

He left the house and stood behind the barn. The smell of burning bodies was still felt, even then. Privately he pitied the couple, but not too much. They after all protected jam that was too tasty for them not to try it.

It was at this moment that he heard a cry.

“CONTACT FRONT!” his comrade screamed.

Then a demonic whistle, and the world became hell. Instinctively he fell down. Around him, one by one, shells kept falling.

When he woke from shock, he ran to check on his comrades. The house was turned into a smoldering ruin.

“Heeelpp!” one of his squadmates cried, crawling from inside the house. His entire bottom was missing, entrails trailing behind him like multiple tails of the mythical Nifonese fox. The entire floor was full of blood.

Asai was not a trained soldier. Thus he did the best thing he could do. He heard buzzing of an UAV overhead, likely an enemy one.

Panic gripped him with a strength of a Palmyri python. He could feel it’s grip tightening on him, making him choke and loose his breath.

“AAAAAH!” he screamed in terror, dropped his gun and ran.

He ran into direction of the hills, hoping to get to the friendly forces. Then a whistle and his world erupted in pain.

He laid bleeding on the rocks… and his last realisation was that the shot did not come from the enemy side.

What Duan saw through the drone hovering over the battlefield made him feel unease.

He always knew that the unit he was leading consisted of sacrificial lambs, meant to be slaughtered; but he did not intend to be slaughtered with them. He was a mercenary, in this job only for money Zhengshiliang gave him. Dying was certainly not high on his list of priorities, not when his wife and kids were waiting for him in Anshan.

“Musena-actual this is Hagaki actual!” came voice on the radio “Osaka is wiped out, I say again, osaka is wiped out, minor casualties on our side. At least a company with a tank marching on us, with another close behind, over!”

“Acknowledged, Musen-actual out” he replied.


Enormous explosion came from the hill where Hagaki actual was stationed. Luckily the enemy did not shell the hills too heavy, and the trenches managed to limit the casualties.

Even with that however, he has lost the disruption element. This did not bode well for his chances.

His mind analysed potential course of enemy actions, and he came to a conclusion of how the enemy would most likely act. The enemy would use the first company to pin his forces in place, and then flank him. He would have to possibly use his reserve to counter that - which would mean the frontline being at risk.

“Move that drone on that tank and drop at 153mm on it” he said to the drone squad, before turning to his radioman “Let me talk.”

“(Brigade callsign), this is Musen actual” he said “We are under attack by at least a battalion sized mechanised element supported by a tank. The enemy has carried out artillery bombardment and is moving to drive us out. GRID 12345 67890, Time 1730. I have ordered the company to establish a static defense, break.

I am requesting immediate reinforcement. Otherwise I will have to withdraw the company from the current position, over!”

Time was running out. He had to act fast to save himself.

Meanwhile, on the tops, the artillery fire managed to inflict some casualties on the men in the trenches; but it failed to destroy the recoilless guns. The soldiers equipped with them, covered in masking nets making them look like miniature trees, popped out of the trenches. They fired one round, targeting the enemy IFVs; before ducking and darting to switch position.

Meanwhile an enormous agricultural drone sped towards the tank, two 153mm HE shells under it’s hull. It’s operator aimed to drop them directly onto the tank.

One of the squad leaders grabbed a radio.

“Thunder actual, this is Hagaki actual. Call for fire…” he said, going through the whole procedure, trying to call artillery on the oncoming mechanised formation. It would be less accurate as he would be directing it rather than a dedicated observer, but this was their best bet to survive.

The ‘Ajax’ kept pressing forward. Out in the open now the attack was in full swing. The smoke was still lingering amongst the buildings as she scanned it. On the thermals she saw warm white spots. Fires, impact marks and the dead all stuck out. No movement, no fire. As soon as the APC’s cleared the verge they began firing into the target area. Arcing bursts of red tracer splashed amongst the building and soon the regiment’s mortars began their rolling barrage of the target. After they’d cleared the first 200m explosions began kicking up clumps of mud. Enemy recoilless guns had begun to target them from the flanks. An APC behind them was hit by one in the engine and its commander immediately popped smoke. As it rolled to a stop Madden watched the crew bailing out before the veil of smoke obscured it. The turret lurched hard left, whirring as it went.

“HE ATGM!” The Gunner screamed.

Immediately Madden thumbed the align switch on the commander’s control handles, bringing her onto the gunner’s aim in a single fluid motion. Hidden among the foliage was at least two or three men. Well hidden to the naked eye but on the thermal imagers they stood out like a sore thumb.

“FIRING!!!” The Gunner shouted again.

There was a click and a dull thump. The turret crew were pushed back into their seats by the sudden jolt. Madden watched as the 140mm high explosive round came crashing down on the gunner’s target. Most of the group was obscured by the white hot explosion except one of the Niffonese that was tossed into the air like a ragdoll, his limp broken limbs flailing behind him in a sickening manner.


In the meantime Madden had locked onto the position with her sight’s and had set up the coax 40mm’s airburst mode.

“MINE!” She ordered the gunner.

She gripped the controls and felt the turret smoothly snap onto her thumb movements. Lining it up she fired a targeting burst, followed by two much longer killing bursts. Dragging the reticle in a sweep across the area where the men had been, it was showered in a lethal rain of shrapnel. Anyone who had been there was dead for sure.

“Gunner, you have control.” She said and returned control of the gun to her subordinate.

A large explosion went off in front of the tank as she returned to her arc, muffled by the armour of the tank it went nearly unnoticed. Madden assumed it was from another recoilless gun and began scanning the right arc for another position.

“COMMANDER WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!” This time it was the driver roaring over the intercom. Obviously they hadn’t seen any of action behind them.

Madden left the question unanswered, focusing on the task at hand. On the right she saw another position, another man with a large tube on his shoulder.

“GUNNER, HE AT!” She said while hitting the lay button. The turret swung violently to the right before coming to a halt.
“ON.” The gunner shouted back. “FIRING!”

Just as the gunner fired a large explosion hit the tank. Madden heard a loud metallic bang before it was drowned out by a ringing noise that increased in pitch. The tank shook violently from the explosion and the gun firing. Madden got her eye back into the sight just in time for the to see the shell land wide. But not wide enough for the Nifon who was cut down by the ball bearings that scattered across the landscape nearby. To Madden it looked like someone had fired a giant shotgun. Infantry were nothing to tanks, nothing but blood on the tracks.

The tank however, still moving forward, had begun making a clacking noise. Suddenly there was another bang, not an explosion but something rattling against the hull. Then the tank began to veer to the right all while the noise of the hull dragging against the ground could be heard. Slowly the tank was getting lower and lower on the right.


The driver hit the brakes and the tank nearly stopped on the spot. The gunner hit her head off her sight and let out a yelp that Madden heard over the intercom. Looking behind her Madden saw a 50m streak of churned up soil. Trailing her eyes up, she saw the problem. The track laid out like a long metal snake in the grass.

She swore under her breath and struck the commander’s control handles in frustration.

“Driver Reverse…Slowly.”

The tank slowly began edging backwards. The track looked to be in good shape and it would probably be a case of replacing a link and fitting a new pin.

“Hello 18 this is 11A, we’ve thrown a track and require assistance over.”

While waiting for a response the rest of the Rifle Company sped past. Looking at the closest vehicle she saw something written on the side of it. In white paint was scrawled ‘You’ve Got Another Thing Coming!’ before it too was ahead of her. Checking her sights they’d gotten close enough, 600m in. Only 100m short, close enough she thought.

“Hello 11A this is 97.” It was the voice of the drone team “be advised you just got bombed by a drone, enemy I should add, that goes for all callsigns the enemy have drones over.”


In the back of 12C, ‘You’ve Got Another Thing Coming!’, Trooper Baru sat with the rest of his section. With every bump the vehicle jolted and the dismounts were rocked around. It had been a rough ride but Baru felt relatively safe in the back of the CA-2012. Safer than he would feel in a minute when he’d have to get out. The vehicle began to slow, decreasing the magnitude of each bump, before it stopped. The Section’s Corporal swung the door open and light and fresh air flooded the compartment. He looked back.

“LET’S GO KILL SOME C***S!” He shouted before leaping out the back followed by the rest of the section. The section fanned out across the ground. Baru hit the deck and popped off several rounds at the buildings along with the rest of his section. There was no response. The APC’s had all deployed their infantry now and had begun backing off. The sections began advancing now. First section manoeuvres, then in teams and when they were about 100m away from the nearest buildings they began bounding forward in pairs.

The buildings had been badly damaged by the artillery bombardment and as the 2nd Platoon entered the smouldering ruins Baru passed one of the enemy dead. He’d been torn apart above the waist and chunks of viscera littered the scorched earth.

Mid Assault the Company Commander had changed plans. 1st Platoon had swung towards the left flank at the foot of the hill and the newly discovered enemy position. The 3rd had similarly been tasked off dealing with the enemy position to the south. 2nd Platoon was to clear the village and then swing to the North West to block off the enemy’s retreat.

Sweeping through the village there was no sign of life and it was almost deathly quiet. The sound of gunfire and artillery echoed up the valley but was somewhat muted. His section leader, using hand signals, ordered them to go to ground in the ruins of the collapsed farm house.

“We’ll hold here until ordered to move off, check your mags and watch out.” LCpl Larkins told them.

Baru took the furthest position North. He changed his magazine for a fresh one from his webbing. He looked out to what looked like the enemy's positions. Smoke was rising from that area and the dirt churched up. About 200m below he could see 1st Platoon waiting in a skirmish line. Suddenly one of the other tanks that had manoeuvred itself onto the high ground of the hill began firing at the position. In rapid succession it fired off three high explosive rounds that airburst over the trench before it popped off its smoke grenades and reversed. Even from his position a few hundred metres away he could hear 1st Platoon’s warcry as they charged up the hill, bayonets glinting in the morning light. Baru felt a shiver run down his spine. The poor mothers in the trenches didn’t stand a chance.

The assault was textbook. Once they got line of sight on the trench the platoon fired on it, suppressing any survivors before throwing grenades in, then they went in bayonet first. The firing quickly stopped and Baru could just make out soldiers of the first platoon clearing the rear of the trenches.

Baru began looking around again. LCpl Larkins caught his eye. He was sat behind a ruined stone wall, facing towards him. His weapon in his right hand and his left was pressing down on his headset. Clearly someone was talking to him on the other end. After a brief acknowledgement he took his hand down and stood up. Some more booming explosions could be heard from the south, rolling up the valley and past them.

“Listen up, 3rd Platoon has encountered an enemy position in depth. They are going to clear it after a short barrage from our mortar platoon. We’re going to deal with the position they were tasked with. Prepare to move off. Herringbone and stay low.”

With that they were up. Waiting for the man infront to get a few paces ahead of him Baru stood up and began to follow. A bit further ahead he could see the other two sections walking up the valley.

On the way out of the village his section passed a pit. As he drew closer he could see, gradually revealed two corpses. Charred beyond recognition. He kept on walking, eyes up and scanning the terrain above. It didn’t hit him at first. Why were there two burned corpses? His mind was too focused on other tasks. Slowly going over it in the back of his mind it clicked. A deep seething rage began coursing through his veins. Those were Brigantines. Brigantine occupants of this village. How many had been callously dumped in that pit? Three? Four? They were too coiled, fused together by fire to make out. My god had they killed an entire family. Bloodthirsty determination filled Baru. Let’s get some payback.

They marched on. As they neared the foot of the hill Larkins signalled to them again, this time telling them to lie down. He crouched and aimed up the slope. He turned to face them.

“Right were waiting for the rest of the platoon to get into position. When they’re all set were to advance up the hill. Pairs fire and manoeuvre.”

They lay there for what felt like an eternity. Larkins was still crouch. His left hand had returned to the headset. He turned again.


In unison the section drew them from the scabbards and slid them into place. Baru slid his over the barrel and locked it in place with a click and gripped it, making sure it was seated correctly.

“WHAT MAKES THE GRASS GROW!?!?” Larkins shouted at his section.

In unison the section responded.




They repeated this half a dozen times. Baru was roaring. A few hundred metres away a whistle blew and the section rose up. The platoon swiftly covered the dead ground. The enemy hadn’t seen them yet,but it wasn’t long before the shooting started.

First it was individual rifle shots from the enemy. They were panicking and firing off pot shots at where they thought the Brigantines were. As soon as the first ones came into sight the real firefight started. Sustained volley’s of fire were exchanged. The Brigantines firing at heads of the defenders as they peaked out and the defenders blindly returning fire. A automatic grenade launcher in one of the positions opened up. Most of the rounds went close over their heads, exploding in low ground in the valley below. It spat out long sustained bursts. Thump thump thump followed by the sound of the grenades exploding.

The Brigantines of two platoon were within 100m at this point. Baru edged forwards crawling on his belt buckle. He paused and took aim, his heart racing. He was coming up the left flank and was out of line of sight of a lot of the enemy positions, in defilade to most.

An enemy rose up out of a fox hole to his front about 50m away. The enemy was facing away from him but the slope offered little cover. He began to swing his rifle towards Baru. Baru fired off three rounds in quick succession. One of them hit the man in the head and he crumpled back into the foxhole, dropping the rifle at the lip. Baru paused and kept his aim pointed at the position. Around him he could hear shouting, screaming, gunfire and explosions. Three section was on the right flank but had taken up positions in front of a stretch of deadly open ground, one section were pinned in a piece of dead ground in front of the enemy position and was exchanging grenades with Nifonese. Baru’s section had become split up. While the enemy’s fire was inaccurate some of them had found their mark. The machine gunner, Trooper Dey and his assistant, had caught shrapnel from some grenades that had been thrown at them and were in a bad way. The rest of the section apart from Baru and Pearce had taken them to cover and was giving them first aid and preparing to evacuate them off the hill. The attack had stalled.

Baru had fired off most of his magazine getting to his position and swiftly changed it. He signed to Pearce to get his attention. Pearce glanced at him.

Baru said one word.


Baru pushed himself up and charged forwards covering the ground before him. Another enemy rose up and was readying to fire at him before Pearce cut him down. Baru sprinted towards the foxhole of the man he shot. As he neared it he fired into the man who was bent forward before leaping on top of him, pushing him down into his hole. Baru hunkered down as best he could and looked towards the enemy position’s most were still out of line of sight. He could make out what looked like the entrance of a firing trench. Just a few metres from him he could hear the grenade launcher firing as clear as day as well as shouting in a foreign tongue. Without thinking he rose again and made for the opening. By this point thoughts of self preservation were gone and he was motivated only by spite and hatred.

As he crested the small rise he could see multiple figures in the trench with their backs to him. He leapt in and let out a blood curdling scream. He slammed his bayonet into the back of the first man’s neck, pushing him down he slid off the end, falling to the floor writhing. The man to his front quickly turned his head but Baru had already raised his carbine and blasted him through the teeth. The man collapsed onto the third pinning him and Baru fired his weapon down the trench, spamming the trigger. The half a dozen or so enemies that packed the trench were cut down but not before the last was able to raise and fire his weapon. The submachine gun hit Baru in the legs but not before he’d fired a few rounds through the man’s sternum. The submachine gunner collapsed. Baru felt his knees want to buckle. Don’t look down, he thought to himself, don’t fall. Baru limped forwards over the sprawled dead, resting his shoulder against the side of the trench. As he went down he could make out a junction off to the right. The grenade launcher had ceased firing. As he drew closer a man emerged from the junction. He said something and then looked up at the scene and met Baru’s gaze. The man was dumbstruck, mouth agape. He had no weapon Baru could see and was stood back up against the walls of the trench like a deer in headlights. Baru reached forward and with a grimace fire the underslung grenade launcher at the man. The grenade hit the man square in the chest and in a bright flash tore his abdomen open. The trench channelled the blast which knocked Baru to the ground. A second explosion went off followed by a flash from up the junction. Baru could hear screaming now. A man engulfed in flames tore out from the junction. Thrashing about he could hear him screaming clearly.


It was one of the gunner who had been set a flame by the ammo Baru’s grenade had set off. He was stumbling towards him now, up the trench. The stench of burning flesh filled his nostrils and Baru was gripped by fear. He quickly picked up his carbine and fired the last of his magazine on full auto into the man. The man fell at Baru’s feet.

Baru lay there for a few seconds, catching his breath. His right thigh where he’d been shot ached and he was still winded from the grenade. He picked himself up again, using his weapon as a crutch. He started to change his magazine again. He could hear the grenade launchers ammunition cooking off, rhythmically letting off pop after pop. The firing outside the trench had slowed down.


He finished loading his magazine and sent the working parts forward, he raised hand above the trench and waved.

A voice rung out to him.

“SEEN WE’RE MOVING UP TO YOU!” It was the voice of the Platoon Sergeant.

Baru could hear one section bounding towards him. The positions had been broken. The last few Nifonese defenders tried to flee but were cut down as they tried to run or were finished off by grenades.

Baru surveyed the trench, looking over the six or so dead or dying Nifonese. One of the survivors was still alive, barely. He was clutching a pendant on a gold necklace and was murmuring something under his breath. Baru waddled over to him. The Niffon was growing increasingly pale, blood pouring from multiple gunshot wounds to his chest. Baru put his foot on his chest and placed the bayonet against the man’s head. He briefly took notice of him, his dying gaze shifting to Baru’s.

“Buddy, you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Baru muttered, smiling to himself. He squeezed the trigger and his rifle fired.

Madden was climbing back into the tank along with her driver. The Recce Mech team had pulled up beside them and they had quickly reversed the tank back onto its thrown track. A link had been replaced and new pin fitted. All of this was sped up by the recovery wagon’s power tools. After about ten to fifteen minutes they were back in action. Madden waved off the Recce Mech and watched as they sped off towards the knocked out CA-2012 behind them to tow it back.

“This is 11A Sitrep, over.”

After a few seconds she got a response.

“Hello 11A this is 0, 1st and 2nd Platoon have overrun the objectives, 1st has prisoners. 3rd is breaking off the attack, two APC’s knocked out and the opposing position is being reduced by mortars and 11C, roger so far over.”

“1st and 3rd have no casualties, 2nd has at least three and will be falling back shortly. Follow up attacks by reserve companies have been cancelled. An enemy position in depth has been identified and is due to be reduced by fires, roger so far over.”


“New plan get all 11 callsigns into overwatch positions to cover 1st company as they break contact then fallback after them to RV Red over.”

“Roger 0 out to you.”

Madden was about to send out a new message to the rest of the Troop when a howitzer round landed thirty or so metres from ‘Ajax’. Metallic pings rattled the hull as the ball bearings and other shrapnel from the shell splashed the tank.

“JOCKEY NOW! NOW!” She screamed over the intercom.

The driver was already in gear and floored the pedal. The tank rocketed backwards and Madden could hear the transmission as it cycled up the through the reverse gears, engine whining louder and louder.

“All 11 callsigns fallback to overwatch positions now, 0 contact IDF at our position over!”

More shells were coming in thick and fast. Falling in front of the village and pasting the ground where they’d just been. That was too close.

The infantry were doing their own thing. The APC’s were steering clear of the village and heading towards their rendezvous points to pick up their dismounts. The shells were falling thick and fast. Madden realised that it was blindfire, there was no correction and the fire didn’t shift, instead pummeling the same stretch of ground in front of the village.

Once they were clear and out of line of sight she ordered the driver to halt before driving the tank to the high ground to the north to cover the retreat of the 1st and 2nd platoon. Together along with 11B ‘Athenry’ the two tanks provided overwatch constantly changing positions and guiding the infantry around the enemy artillery barrage. Once they were clear the pair moved south to cover 3rd platoon.

3rd Platoon had lost two APC’s as she would learn, one had thrown a tire in a ditch and was stuck the other had had its tires shredded by a grenade launcher, and as such most of the platoon was walking out on foot. While covering this platoon she could clearly make out Brigantine artillery fire hitting the western most enemy position. It was the same drill again for this hill. Two tanks would move up to firing positions before falling back and switch position while the other two moved up.

Once the 3rd Platoon was clear over the hills they began to disengage. One of the reserve companies had lent the 3rd platoon two vehicles to make a hasty retreat. The two stuck vehicles would have to be abandoned for now. Now it was 1 Troops turn. Falling back in pairs covering each other's retreat, the radio was alive with chatter from the infantry companies. Madden was strongly resisting the urge to shut it off but didn’t want to risk the consequences. She was soaked in sweat and somewhat shaken from that engagement. Oh but this was only that start she thought to herself. One of many to come. Once she was sure they were far enough away she gave the order to fall back to the RV and the tanks sped off towards the RV through the valleys.



Grenade exploded next to Onishi Yasuko. He could hear the explosion tearing apart some unlucky convict. Foul stench of burning body invaded his nostrils as he crouched inside the trench, considering what to do.

They were being overran. There was no doubt about it. The convict knew that they could not retreat, because the rear line units would shoot them. In front of them was only death. The senior private who acted as their squad leader was dead; and his own squad was left without any command & control. No one knew what to do, beyond shooting at the incoming brigantines and crouching inside the trenches.

But.. perhaps the death in the front was the only possible way out?

He pondered it for a while. He knew that he was going to die; but his entire life, he has been taught that the death in battle was the best death a man could hope for. During the training the convict-mercenary heard a simple instruction - to fight to the last finger, so he would have something to pull the pin of the grenade out.

And pull the pin he did. The moment he heard a Brigantine soldier approach the trench, he pulled the pin and rushed out of it. Instantly his arm was hit by a bullet, but he did not care, battle frenzy and narcotics making him unable to care.

“Kubo-sama banaiiiiii!!!!” he shouted.

Seconds later an explosion rocked the battlefield.

One by one, whenever they knew that it was the end - the Nifonese soldiers blew themselves up, knowing that they will be revered as heroes back home.


Ren knew that the whole battle was lost, and had no intent to commit his reserves. Doing so would only make him loose more men.

He was a mercenary, a soldier of fortune who only took the job due to his gratitude to Maki Seijuro. The Wenchuani had no personal stake in it, nor emotional connection with the men he observed dying on the hilltops. As they were being obliterated, his only anger was that the Aeyarissians did not provide him the reinforcements he has requested.

“Inform all squads that we are retreating” he said. Already he has selected a position on the hill to the rear, where his force would have whatever glimmer of hope to survive a potential counterattack. But before that he turned to the drone team:

“Call the arty battalion and tell them to shift fires on the hill.”

“But sir, we will be hitting our own men!” cried the drone operator.

The questioning of his orders made Ren angry. His face enflamed as if a furnace was lit inside:

“I SAID EXECUTE OR I WILL HAVE YOU FLOGGED!” he roared like a tiger seeing another one.

The soldier lowered his eyes and looked towards the ground.

“I understand sir. I apologise.” he said “Willco!”

He entered the pickup, watching as a single section has been left as a rear guard. Booby traps were made to facilitate breaking of a potential contact.

“... shift fires, I say again, shift fires…” the drone operator was talking through the radio.

And with that, the rest of the Arashi-M withdrew.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.