Elden Ring Summoning Guide - RPG Informer (2024)

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Arron Kluz

Arron is an RPG all-rounder with a love for CRPGs in particular. Ever since he started playing games on his old SNES, he has been hooked ever since. He has a particular love for games like Pillars of Eternity, Skyrim, a variety of beloved indie titles, and also a few online shooters to serve as a means of avoiding open-world fatigue. Outside of gaming, he enjoys watching arthouse movies, playing Dungeons & Dragons, and writing fiction.

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Table of Contents

  • Key Info Up Front
  • NPC Summoning Overview
  • Spirit Ashes Summoning Overview
  • Player Summoning Overview
  • FAQs
    • Question: Can you miss getting the Spirit Calling Bell from Renna inElden Ring?
    • Question:DoesElden Ring feature covenants for multiplayer?
    • Question: How many players can play together at once inElden Ring?
  • Conclusion

Elden Ring is the newest Soulsborne game from genre pioneers FromSoftware. While each of the studio’s entries in the genre incorporates its setting, mechanical tweaks, and stylistic changes, plenty of mechanics and features remain consistent across the entire catalog. This helps FromSoftware ensure that the games feel consistent with one another so that fans are satisfied and allows the studio to iterate on their formula with every release. One of the most critical of those common mechanics is summoning.

Key Info Up Front

Elden Ring Summoning Guide - RPG Informer (3)

Summoning is an Elden Ring mechanic that allows players to summon extra help for bosses or challenging encounters. It allows players to summon spirits, NPC fighters, and other players for cooperative or competitive play. Each option has its systems for players to master and has many different options to choose from.

NPC Summoning Overview

Elden Ring Summoning Guide - RPG Informer (4)

Summoning NPC characters to aid you is a staple of FromSoftware’s Soulsborne titles. The system works the same as it does in their previous titles, with players being able to find summon signs near the fog gates to boss battles to bring the characters into their world to help them out as long as you have completed the required side quests and interactions beforehand. Each of these characters has a particular loadout they can use. Some characters that can be summoned can even be called in multiple locations or can be found throughout Elden Ring’s world. To build a small squad for the fight, particular boss fights even have multiple summoning signs near their fog doors. However, the NPCs are not immortal, and if they take too much damage, they die, requiring players to summon them again if they die during that attempt. Thanks to the new Spirit Ashes summoning mechanic, these summons tend to be used less than they used to be.

Spirit Ashes Summoning Overview

Elden Ring Summoning Guide - RPG Informer (5)

Spirit Ashes summons are a compelling mechanic in Elden Ring. These summons are largely preferred over regular NPC spirits because of the player’s ability to pick a specific one that works the best with their build and skills. To summon each one, players have to find their Spirit Ashes and then use a Spirit Calling Bell at the cost of either FP or HP.

To start being able to use Summoning Ashes, players have to meet with Renna the Witch in the Church of Elleh Grace checkpoint to get the Spirit Calling Bell. Renna can be found in the eastern part of Limgrave, directly north from where you first enter the area. She will give you the bell and your first spirit to summon, but you can get plenty more from other sources and even upgrade them. To upgrade each Spirit Ashes, you have first to help Roderika at the Stormhill Shack.

To find Roderika in Limgrave, you’ll want to go to Stormhill Shack just off the main path leading to Stormveil Castle, next to a Site of Grace. She will ask you to get her the Chrysalid’s Note when you talk to her there. This is found after you defeat Margit, the Fell Omen, and gain access to the Rampart Tower Site of Grace. Go outside along the walls and across the rooftops until you come to a ladder. Climb down the ladder where you can see a knight down below and take a right into a dining room lit with a fireplace.

You’ll then be able to find a room with a giant’s corpse hanging from the ceiling, and below it is the Chrysalid’s Note. Once you get your hands on it, you’ll want to travel to the Roundtable Hold to talk to Roderika next to the fireplace in the first room. Talk to her, and she’ll give you a Golden Seed. Take that to Smithing Master Hewg in the Hold and talk to him through the new dialogue option. Exhaust that dialogue and then return to Roderika before going back to Hewg. Then, next time you go to Roundtable Hold, Roderika will have set up shop next to Hewg to upgrade your Spirit Ashes with runes and Grave Glovewort.

The Spirit Ashes, their information, and where to find them are listed below.

Spirit AshesEffectLocation
Albinauric AshesSummons two AlbinauricsOn a dead body in the graveyard east of Caria Manor after defeating Royal Knight Loretta.
Ancestral Follower AshesSummons one ancestral followerHas a chance to drop when you kill an Ancestor Spirit
Archer AshesSummons three archersOn a dead body in Nokstella, Eternal City
Avionette Soldier AshesSummons two avionette soldiersOn a dead body near the elevator in Raya Lucaria Academy
Banished Knight Oleg AshesSummons Banished Knight OlegDropped by Ulcerated Tree Spirit
Black Knife Tiche AhsesSummons Black Knife TicheDropped by Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader in Ringleader’s Evergaol within Southwestern Liurnia
Demi-Human AshesSummons five Demi-humansDropped by Erdtree Burial Watchdog
Fanged Imp AshesSummons two Fanged ImpsIt can be started during character creation or is bought for 2,000 runes from the Isolated Merchant by the Main Academy Gate Site of Grace.
Finger Maiden Therolina PuppetSummons Finger Maiden Therolina PuppetPurchased using Starlight Shards from Seluvis’ body after you complete Ranni’s questline
Giant Rat AshesSummons three Giant RatsFound in the West Windmill Pasture
Glintstone Sorcerer AshesSummons Glintstone SorcererHas a chance to drop from the Spirit-Caller Snail at Road’s End Catacombs
Godrick Soldier AshesSummons two Godrick SoldiersFound next to a grave in the cemetery to the west of Stormhill
Greatshield Soldiers AshesSummons five Greathsield SoldiersLooted from a dead body in Nokron, Eternal City
Jarwight PuppetSummons Jarwight PuppetPurchased with Starlight Shards from Seluvis’ body after finishing Ranni’s questline
Kaiden Sellsword AshesSummons Kaiden SellswordDrops when you kill the optional boss Erdtree Burial Watchdog in Cliffbottom Catacombs
Lhutel the Headless AshesSummons Lhutel the HeadlessHas a chance to be dropped by a Cemetery Shade in Tombsward Catacombs
Lone Wolf AshesSummons three Lone WolvesGiven by Renna at the Church of Ellehg in Limgrave.
Mad Pumpkin Head AshesSummons Mad Pumpkin HeadDropped by the Erdtree Burial Watchdog bosses at Minor Erdtree Catacombs
Marionette Soldier AshesSummons two Marionette SoldiersFound by the Church of the Cuckoo Site of Grace within Raya Lucaria Academy
Mimic Tear AshesSummons a Mimic TearIn a chest behind the locked imp statue door in Night’s Sacred Ground
Nightmaiden & Swordtress Puppets AshesSummons Nightmaiden & Swordtress PuppetsIn a chest behind the locked imp statue door in Nokstella, Eternal City
Noble Sorcerer AshesSummons a Noble SorcererFound in Stormfoot Catacombs
Nomad AshesSummons a NomadFound on a dead body in Subterranean Shunning-Grounds
Omenkiller RolloSummons Omenkiller RolloDropped by the Fell Twins in Capital Outskirts
Page AshesSummons PageFound in Cliffbottom Catacombs
Raya Lucaria Soldier AshesSummons three Raya Lucaria SoldiersHidden behind the illusory wall at the end of Road’s End Catacombs
Skeletal Bandit AshesSummons a Skeletal BanditDropped by Tibia Mariner in Liurnia of the Lakes
Skeletal Militiaman AshesSummons two Skeletal MilitiamenDropped by Tibia Mariner in Liurnia of the Lakes
Spirit Jellyfish AshesSummons a Spirit JellyfishFound on a dead body near the graveyard by Stormhill Shack
Stormhawk Deenh AshesSummons Stormhawk DeenhIn a chest on the roof of the south wing of the Chapel of Anticipation
Twinsage Sorcerer AshesSummons a Twinsage SorcererHas a chance to be dropped by Cemetery Shades in Black Knife Catacombs within Liurnia of the Lake
Wandering Noble AshesSummons five Wandering NoblesFound in the Stormfoot Catacombs within Limgrave
Winged Misbegotten AshesSummons a Winged MisbegottenFound on a dead body in Unsightly Catacombs
Rotten Stray AshesSummons a Rotten StrayFound on a dead body to the north of the Sellia Under-Stair Site of Grace
Warkhawk AshesSummons a WarhawkFound at the Church of Pilgrimage at the Weeping Peninsula
Latenna the Albinauric AshesSummons Latenna the AlbinauricCan be found in the Lakeside Crystal Cave after beating the boss in Liurnia of the Lake with the Haligtree Secret Medallion equipped
Perfumer Tricia AshesSummons Perfumer TriciaDropped by Perfumer Tricia and Misbegotten Warrior in Unsightly Catacombs within Mt. Gelmir
Bloodhound Knight Floh AshesSummons Bloodhount Knight FlohFound in a chest in Gelmir Hero’s Grave
Vulgar Militia AshesSummons three Vulgar MilitiaFound on a dead body in Auriza Hero’s Grave
Leyndell Soldier AshesSummons two Leyndell SoldiersFound in Sainted Hero’s Grave within Altus Plateau
Miranda Sprout AshesSummons five Miranda SproutsFound behind a hidden wall to the right of the stairs in Caelid Catacombs
Kindred of Rot AshesSummons Kindred of RotHas a chance to drop from Cemetery Shades in Caelid Catacombs
Land Squirt AshesSummons three Land SquirtsFound on the east shore of Liurnia Lake
Ancient Dragon Knight KristoffSummons Ancient Dragon Knight KristoffFound in Sainted Hero’s Grave within Leyndell
Azula Beastman AshesSummons two Azula BeastmenFound on a dead body in Dragon Temple within Crumbling Farum Azula
Banished Knight Engvall AshesSummons Banished Knight EngvallDropped by Grave Warden Duelist in Murkwater Catacombs within Limgrave
Battlemage Hugues AshesSummons Battlemage HuguesDropped by Battlemage Hugues in Sellia Evergaol
Blackflame Monk Amon AshesSummons Blackflame monk AmonDropped by the Stray Mimic tear as long as you have both pieces of the Haligtree Secret Medallion
Clayman AshesSummons two ClaymenFound on a dead body at Ainsel River in Liurnia of the Lakes
Cleanrot Knight Finlay AshesSummons Cleanrot Knight FinlayFound at Elphael in Brace of the Haligtree Legacy dungeon after you beat Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree
Crystalian AshesSummons a CrystalianIn a chest at Sellia Hideaway in Caelid to the north of the Church of the Plague Site of Grace
Depraved Perfumer Carmaan AshesSummons Depraved Perfumer CarmaanFound on a corpse behind a hidden wall at Altus Plateau in Mt. Gelmir that is in the room you gain access to with Lady Tanith’s key.
Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet AshesSummons Dolores the Sleeping Arrow PuppetDropped by Pidia, Carian Servant if Nepheli Loux did not dring Seluvis’ Potion at Caria Manor
Dung Eater Puppet AshesSummons Dunge Eater PuppetPurchased with Starlight Shards from Seluvis after using Seluvis’ Potion on Dung Eater
Fire Monk AshesSummons a Fire MonkFound on a corpse in Giant’s Mountaintop Catacombs
Haligtree Soldier AshesSummons four Haligtree SoldiersBehind the stone bowl in Brace of the Haligtree within Elphael after beating Loretta, knight of the Haligtree
Man-Serpent AshesSummons a Man-SerpentFound on a body at Volcano Manor in Mt. Gelmir.
Mausoleum Soldier AshesSummons five Mausoleum SoldierFound at the base of a dead tree on the edge of the cliff in Deeproot Depths
Nepheli Loux Puppet AshesSummons Nepheli Loux PuppetGotten from Pidia if Nepheli Loux drank Seluvis’ Potion after completing ranni’s questline
Oracle Envoy AshesSummons four Oracle EnvoysFound at Miquella’s Haligtree in Haligtree Town
Putrid Corpse AshesSummons a Putrid CorpseDropped by the Frenzied Duelist in Gaol Cave
Radahn Soldier AshesSummons two Radahn SoldiersFound at War-Dead Catacombs in Radahn’s arena
Redmane Knight Ogha AshesSummons Redmane Knight OghaDropped by the Putrid Tree Spirit at War-Dead Catacombs in Caelid
Soldjars of Fortune AshesSummons three Soldjars of FortuneFound in Auriza Side Tomb

Player Summoning Overview

Elden Ring Summoning Guide - RPG Informer (6)

Players who want to play with one another can also summon each other for some help or to battle it out and test their skills against one another. when players are summoned into another player’s world. It is only temporary. If the host or visiting player dies or they defeat a boss together, the visiting player is returned to their world. If you want to get some help from other players, the first thing you need to do is find a Martyr Effigy. These are small statues of a person in a Y-shape scattered across the game map near boss fights. Once you interact with one of these statues, it will activate its summoning pool that groups players who want to be summoned to help others in that area of the game.

If you want to go to the worlds of other players, you can use an item called a Tarnished’s Furled Finger to draw a sign on the ground that will appear for other players near that summoning pool if you want to help them. If you instead want to put yourself out there for PvP, you use the Duelist Furled Finger. Then, any player can accept your summoning sign and you will be teleported to their world. If you want to invite another player into your world, on the other hand, you’ll need to use an item called Furlcalling Finger Remedy to be able to see the summoning signs of other players.

Gold signs are those for players who will come into your world to help you, while red ones are for PvP encounters that will see you have to kill the player you summon. Both of the fingers to put your signs down are given to the player early in the game. At the same time, Furlcalling Finger Remedies can be dropped by numerous enemies throughout the world while also being craftable with just two Erdleaf Flowers.


Question: Can you miss getting the Spirit Calling Bell from Renna inElden Ring?

Answer: Yes. Any player can miss or ignore many elements of Elden Ring, and the Spirit Calling Bell from Renna is no different. Thankfully, you can also go and get it at any point, so if you did miss it you can always return and get it later.

Question:DoesElden Ring feature covenants for multiplayer?

Answer: No, unfortunately, Elden Ring does not have any covenants or factions like those present in theDark Souls series.

Question: How many players can play together at once inElden Ring?

Answer: The player limit inElden Ring is three, so you can invite two random players or friends to help you tackle the game’s bosses and dungeons.


Summoning plays a more significant role in Elden Ring than in any Soulsborne games before. Not only are the spirit Ashes often tantamount to defeating the game’s most challenging bosses, but the game’s multiplayer is also what will likely help keep the game’s community alive for years following its release. Many fans have voiced their disappointment at Elden Ring not featuring a covenant system similar to that inDark Souls. Still, itsomission does help keepElden Ring’sonline elements as accessible as possible for all players.

Elden Ring Summoning Guide - RPG Informer (2024)


Why do I keep getting unable to summon cooperators? ›

So, you're unable to summon because someone else got it first. The unable to summon a cooperator in Shadow of the Erdtree error fix, from my own experience, is to just hoover up all the summons as fast you can. You'll get the unable to summon message repeatedly but just keep going.

What is the most creepy boss in Elden Ring? ›

We have updated this article to include the most nightmare-inducing bosses from the Realm of Shadow.
  1. 1 Midra, Lord Of Frenzied Flame. The Path To Him Is The Worst Part.
  2. 2 Metyr, Mother Of Fingers. ...
  3. 3 Lamenter. ...
  4. 4 Death Rite Bird. ...
  5. 5 Abductor Virgins. ...
  6. 6 Grafted Scion. ...
  7. 7 Erdtree Burial Watchdog. ...
  8. 8 Ulcerated Tree Spirit. ...

What is the hardest hitting boss in Elden Ring? ›

1 Promised Consort Radahn Is The Hardest Boss In Elden Ring

Now empowered by a demigod, Radahn has two phases: Promised Consort Radahn and Radahn, Consort of Miquella. He has no weaknesses, so there's no way to cheese this fight: it'll be a fair duel between two hardened warriors.

Does summoning an NPC make the boss harder Elden Ring? ›

Using summons actually makes bosses harder. Just leave a gold finger and watch the host get wrecked every time. Depends, in the dlc a few of the npc summon signs are in the boss arena after the fog door.

Why won't Elden Ring let me summon someone? ›

Multiple factors can cause the “unable to summon cooperator Elden Ring” issue. For instance, it could happen because other gamers have summoned the same operator ahead of you. Issues with the network can also cause the unable to summon cooperator error.

Why is summon not connecting? ›

Summon may not operate if the battery is low on the key fob accessory. Follow these steps to park Model Y from outside the vehicle using the key fob accessory: On the touchscreen, ensure that Require Continuous Press is disabled (touch Controls > Autopilot > Customize Summon > Require Continuous Press).

Who is the saddest boss in Elden Ring? ›

Morgott, who initially appears as Margit, the Fell Omen in Elden Ring, is the king of Leyndell and stands between you and Erdtree. Besides being a tough boss fight, the fight with Morgott is incredibly fun and if you have paid attention to the lore, you'll find Morgott's story and dialogue to be tragically sad.

Has anyone killed all the bosses in Elden Ring? ›

Worst boss was easily the Death Rite Bird in the Consecrated Snowfield. It was the only one that I really cheesed, honorable mention to duo Night Cav, though it wasn't too bad one at a time. I will never do this again.

What is the least fought boss in Elden Ring? ›

Placidusax is an optional boss, meaning that he doesn't have to be defeated to complete the game, which goes some of the way to explaining why so few players have hunted him down.

Do enemies get stronger as you level in Elden Ring? ›

Enemies in lower-level areas will partially scale up to match your power level as you progress through the game. This is capped so that you still get that feeling of overpowering early areas.

What is Elden boss weakness? ›

Unlike Radagon, the Elden Beast is pretty resistant to fire damage. To fight this otherworldly creature, prioritize physical damage of any kind. While you can't affect them with bleeding or other detrimental effects, a strong weapon is more than enough to damage the Elden Beast.

How much HP do bosses get per summon? ›

1 summon = 50% more HP for the Boss. 2 summons = 100% more HP for the boss, effectively doubling whatever they started with.

Why can't I summon ashes in Elden Ring? ›

You can only summon Elden Ring Spirits with Ashes when close to a Rebirth Monument, a little square statue about waist-high. You'll know when you're in range of one, because of the white symbol of a tablet on the left side of the screen.

How many cooperators can be summoned in Elden Ring? ›

The co-op side of Elden Ring allows you to summon other players into your game using summoning signs, similar to what you might have experienced in the Dark Souls series. In Elden Ring, you can assemble teams of up to three players. A fourth player can join, but they won't be friendly.

How to summon a cooperator in Elden Ring? ›

To summon a friendly player, you must use a Furlcalling Finger Remedy, an item which you can craft using a Crafting Kit out of 2x Erdleaf Flowers. Doing this will consume the Furlcalling Finger Remedy, but it will reveal any nearby summon signs laid down by players in your vicinity.

Why can't I join my friend in Elden Ring 2024? ›

If players are on different platforms (such as PC, PlayStation, or Xbox) or if their game versions are not up to date, they may encounter difficulties connecting and playing together. Moreover, software conflicts, outdated drivers, or corrupted game files can also cause Elden Ring co-op not working.


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Name: Jerrold Considine

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