Cube Combination Wiki Roblox (2025)

1. Cube Combination Wiki

  • Coil

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2. Cube Combination - Roblox Wiki - Fandom

  • Jun 6, 2022 · The objective of the game is - as the name suggests - to combine cubes and use their products to progress through the game by defeating bosses ...

  • Cube Combination is a fighting game created on June 6, 2022, by the group Combination Creations, it is a fangame of a game called Cube Fusion. The objective of the game is - as the name suggests - to combine cubes and use their products to progress through the game by defeating bosses and protecting the crystal in the middle. (You can view the game official wiki by clicking here.) There' also an official version of the old game before Platforms existed, which you can play by clicking here. At th

3. Alternate Cube - Cube Combination Wiki - Fandom

4. Steel Cube - Cube Combination Wiki - Fandom

  • The Steel Cube is a Cube that is made by combining Steel and White Cube. Recipes. Combinations Expand. Item A, Item B, Result.

  • The Steel Cube is a Cube that is made by combining Steel and White Cube. None.

5. Sign - Cube Combination Wiki - Fandom

  • The Sign is a Structure made by combining Stick and Wood Cube. Recipes. Crafting Expand. Item A, Item B, Result. Dirt Cube · Furnace · Iron.

  • The Sign is a Structure made by combining Stick and Wood Cube. Edit (only when placed down) You can edit the sign's text.

6. Gamepasses | Cube Combination Wiki - Fandom

  • Gamepasses are found in the Cube Combination Roblox's Store which when bought give special powers. They range from ⏣99 to ⏣249 Robux.

  • Gamepasses are found in the Cube Combination Roblox's Store which when bought give special powers. They range from ⏣99 to ⏣249 Robux. Starter Pack is a gamepass that can be purchased for ⏣199 Robux. It grants you the command '!starterpack', which spawns the Starter Pack Cube that gives a full set of Iron Armor, a Container Cube, Reinforced Iron Shield, an Iron Longsword and 16 platforms [CC2 EXCLUSIVE]. The command can be used once per session. Mega Servers is a gamepass that can be purchased fo

7. Plate Cube - Cube Combination Wiki - Fandom

  • The Plate Cube is a Cube that is made by combining Iron Cube and Forge Cube. It has 28 combinations, very useful cube.

  • The Plate Cube is a Cube that is made by combining Iron Cube and Forge Cube. It has 28 combinations, very useful cube. None.

8. Wealth Cube - Cube Combination Wiki - Fandom

  • The Wealth Cube is a Cube that is made by combining Forge Cube and Gold Cube. It is used to make Goldplate Cubes and Enrichment Cubes.

  • The Wealth Cube is a Cube that is made by combining Forge Cube and Gold Cube. It is used to make Goldplate Cubes and Enrichment Cubes. None.

9. Cube Combination - Roblox

  • Jun 2, 2022 · Cube Combination is a fun wave defence style fighting game about combining cubes. Combine cubes to upgrade your weapons & fight your way to ...

  • Check out Cube Combination. It’s one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Roblox. Cube Combination is a fun wave defence style fighting game about combining cubes. Combine cubes to upgrade your weapons & fight your way to the top! How to play: - Click cubes to pick them up. - Press Q to drop cubes at your mouse pointer position. - Press F to switch a cube you are holding with a cube in your offhand. - Drop cubes on cubes to combine them, only some cubes combine with other cubes. - Use the researcher to find cubes to combine with. - Plate Cube + Wood Cube to make bridges Join our group to be notified about future updates & more games:

10. Cube Destroyer | Cube Combination Wiki | Fandom

  • Cube Destroyer is the first boss in CC, having 2320 HP. Usually this is the easiest boss in CC, with even the guardian being able to kill him solo.

  • Cube Destroyer is the first boss in CC, having 2,320 HP. Usually this is the easiest boss in CC, with even the guardian being able to kill him solo. All of his limbs have different colors while having a emblem on his chest which represents a cube being split. He has a spiked shoulder plate on his right shoulder and carries a linked sword alongside him. Main Drop: Multi Cube Other Drops Color Cubes 12 Spikes You usually won’t have good armor and weapons this early in the game. Making sure to dodg

Cube Combination Wiki Roblox (2025)


What is the combination for the support cube cube? ›

Sword + Forge Cube = Support Cube.

How to combine cube in cube combination? ›

Cubes. in Cube Combination you pickup things by clicking on them and press Q to drop them at your mouse. to combine thing just drop one block on another then they might fuse, if they don't fuse then try another recipe.

What is the best sword in cube combination? ›

Main Page: Goldfire Sword The Goldfire Sword is a Sword that deals 30 Sharp, Fire Damage + 112-126 Total Fire Damage and has 357-437 Durability. This is usually the most common "good" sword in Public Servers.

What is the combination of the blade cube cube? ›

The Blade Cube is a Cube that is made by combining Forge Cube and Copper. It is a very important cube as it is essentially the basis for most Weapons.

How do you get the explosive cube in Roblox cube combination? ›

The Explosive Cube is a weapon in the game obtained by fusing a Gunpowder Cube and a Throwable Cube.

How do you get the gold cube in Roblox cube combination? ›

White Cube + Gold = Gold Cube.

How do you get the throwable cube in cube combination? ›

Obtained by:

Metal + Red Cube = Throwable Cube.

How to make traveller cube in cube combination? ›

Raw Recipe:
  1. Dirt Cube + Burner = Gold / Metal (50/50)
  2. Gold + White Cube = Gold Cube.
  3. Gold Cube + Blue Cube = Armor Cube.
  4. Dirt Cube + White Cube = Pack Cube.
  5. Armor Cube + Pack Cube = Traveller Cube.

How many Rubik's cube combinations are there 43252003274489856000? ›

43,252,003,274,489,856,000 ways to be precise. Just to give you an idea of how big of a number we're dealing with 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 is read as 43 quintillion, 252 quadrillion, 3 trillion, 274 billion, 489 million and 856 thousand.

How to get pyro in cube combination? ›

Pyro is the second boss on the yellow path, coming after Cube Destroyer, its attacks are fire based, making a full pyrolite armor the best choice to fight it.

How to make a gold sword in cube combination? ›

Raw Recipe:

Dirt Cube + Burner = Metal / Gold (50/50)

How to make death in cube combination? ›

The Death Coil is a Coil that is made by combining Enriched Black Cube and Coil. You lose a lot of health rapidly, killing you in around a second.

How to get 4 slots in cube combination roblox? ›

The max inventory slots the player can have is 4. This is can be achieved using the Pack Cube, in conjunction with a Container Cube, and the Traveller Cube.

How do you make an air cube in Roblox cube combination? ›

White Cube + Blue Cube = Air Cube.

How do you make a healer cube in cube combination? ›

The Healer Cube is a Cube that is made by combining Green Cube and Plate Cube. It heals players in an AOE circle for 30 HP, 20 Second Cooldown.

What is the combination for a Rubiks cube? ›

The original 3x3x3 Rubik's cube has 43 252 003 274 489 856 000 combinations, or 43 quintillion.


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.